Founder –

Twice invited to the White House to brief Obama Administration cybersecurity leadership, Peter Coroneos is an internationally recognised authority on cyber policy, an Internet industry leader, author, activist and policy innovator. As part of the mission to build a faster, fairer safer and more trusted internet for all Australians, Peter led the development of icode, an industry-wide botnet mitigation program developed while he was head of Australia’s Internet Industry Association (1997-2011). It reached 92% population coverage in Australia after just 4 months and was later adapted by the US telecommunications industry for the benefit of an estimated 276 million users. As IIA head, he was instrumental in developing and guiding Australia’s policies on copyright, broadband, privacy, child safety, spam, critical infrastructure protection and cybercrime. His advocacy has seen extensive national and international media coverage over 25 years. In 2022, Peter founded, a not-for-profit dedicated to bringing scalable, evidence based mental health support to embattled cyber teams. It is the world’s first application of the US military-backed iRest protocol into cybersecurity to build and powerfully restore emotional and cognitive resilience and prevent burnout.