
Cybersecurity remains a critical global challenge. Morocco, a leader in this field, provides a favorable framework for information system security. This conference highlights Morocco's advancements in cybersecurity, reinforcing our commitment to a safe digital environment. It is also an opportunity to extend these initiatives globally and across Africa.


MaTeCC 2025

Raising awareness about cybersecurity and personal data protection, highlighting key challenges and best practices to ensure a secure digital environment.

Exploring emerging trends in cybersecurity, including new threats and challenges faced by digital security stakeholders.

Showcasing innovative solutions and technologies to enhance information system security, particularly through the use of artificial intelligence and blockchain.

Promoting public-private cooperation in national cyber defense, emphasizing the importance of collaboration to strengthen critical infrastructure security.

Comparing legislative frameworks between personal data protection in Morocco and the European Union's GDPR, highlighting regulatory similarities and differences.

Strengthening skills and talent in cybersecurity by showcasing available training programs in Morocco and addressing challenges related to integrating artificial intelligence into education.

Encouraging research and innovation in cybersecurity through case studies and practical workshops on ethical hacking.

MaTeCC 2025

Our Esteemed Experts


Directeur Associé chez VONA

Mohamed Naoufal SERGHINI

Directeur de l'école High-Tech


Cadre à la CNDP / Executive at CNDP

Mathieu CAMUS

Président fondateur de Privacy Impact
Act Fast!

Secure your spot at the event of the year dedicated to Cybersecurity and Personal Data Protection by reserving your place now!

Visit Us

59, Rue Jabal Oukeimden, Agdal-Rabat, Morocco

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+212 6 64 86 10 53
+33 7 44 78 34 26